Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Im bored! I wanna write something but i don't know what. Hmmmmm.. Today is the 1st day of the 4th month of the year. It was just like yesterday when we rushed to the stores and bought presents for the people we value and for the people we were just obliged to give to - christmas. And then came the new year when we listed our resolutions and made ourselves believe that we will change. I remember one of my resolutions was to lose weight. Gosh! Was it just my desperation talking or what?? until today, i can't even see or notice any changes at all. A quarter of the year already passed and my belly is still the same belly i had last year. Damn it! Well they say "never say die", haha! i think i'll go ahead and tell it to the marines. After the new year came the Sinulog festival. I got drunk and wasted but i didn't throw up. *sigh* just a quick trivia - i never experienced puking after i drink a lot. I easily get drunk. After 3 bottles of 500 ml red horse, then im down. Haha! such a kid! Even on hard alcoholic drinks. i never got to puke! Hmmm, maybe i should've included that in my resolution, ayt? This year, i should be able to puke! ew! The love month took place and valentine's day was sooo red! FIRE RED! I had a trip to guimaras, an island in iloilo known to be one of the largest producers of mangoes in the country. And as what we can remember, it was where the famous oil spill happened. Right now the beaches were safe to enjoy with. Uhmm, no offense to the people living there, but i didnt like the beach. It wasn't like the way i expected it - fine white sand, long stretch of the shore, and all that.. But i overlooked at it because my experience there was unforgettable. I enjoyed my stay there a lot. When march came, things became more stressful because of the final examinations at school and a lot of major changes that occured in the office. My head spun like crazy. Information was overloading and everyday the level of exhaustion was at its peak. Grrr! But now im glad those days were over. The semester had ended. Now im still facing the pressure at work and im sick of it. Well, i dont have a choice but to deal with it. *sigh*

Oh well, i am still looking forward for fabulous things that is in store for me this year. Despite the frustrating revelations, i am excited for whats waiting for me ahead.

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